by Released : 2024-08-23
Alien: Romulus is directed by Fede Álvarez and stars Cailee Spaeny, David Johnson, and Isabella Merced. It takes place between Ridley Scott's 1979 Alien and James Cameron's 1986 Aliens. It follows a group of planetary workers who attempt to escape a form of indentured servitude by hijacking a Weyland-Yutani ship (the fictional evil corporation in the Alien universe that seeks to use Aliens for their benefit).
Once aboard the ship things take an unexpected turn when the remains of the original Alien from the 79 film have now produced offspring and begin killing the attempted highjackers. The film clearly takes inspiration from the original film and references the events of the 79 film and Prometheus the two films in the franchise directed by Scott who happens to serve as producer.
The action is fantastic, Spaeny and Johnson's characters have enough development and characterization to keep the story interesting and overall it is one of the better films in the franchise even if it does not reach the heights of the original or its acclaimed sequel.