by ECI Released : 2024-08-02
Trap is directed by M. Night Shyamalan and stars Josh Hartnett, Shaymalan's daughter Saleka. The film follows firefighter Cooper (Hartnett) who attends a concert with his daughter of famed popstar Lady Raven (Saleka) a kind of Taylor Swift-level pop star in the movie's universe. Cooper notices heightened security at the event and quickly realizes the entire concert is a Trap to arrest him for in reality he is the famed local serial killer The Butcher, who currently has his next victim locked up.
A cat-and-mouse game ensues during the events of the concert in which Cooper tries his best to escape the stadium without being caught all well maintaining the facade of a normal dad to his young daughter who is unaware of his true nature.
The film should have been a little shorter and the second half of the film drags on but overall this is an intense thriller, largely carried by an excellent Josh Hartnett performance continuing a Hollywood comeback he started with Oppenheimer. Go see Trap at a drive-in near you the quality of the film's first half is worth the price of admission despite the second half's poor pacing.